Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Well, It is so wonderful to be back in The Wash! I have missed the mountains and the trees! Its just too beautiful of a place, and I am very attached to Sequim. The drive up was.. interesting.. but we made it safely. However it took FOREVER to get out of California! and we arrived in Medford Oregon at 4 in the freaking morning! what a long day that was! and we didn't arrive in Sequim until 11 at night.. but it was smooth riding all the way! We slept for a day, then we went Christmas Tree Hunting up Palo Alto, came home with a beauty! It was nice to see the snow again! Then I went and spent some quality time with my old friends, and still have to find the time to visit others. I have never been this popular with people calling and texting me all the time wanting me to come visit. Feels nice! We will be spending Christmas Eve at my mom's place, then going to Nathan's family's place, then maybe to Canada, then back to Sequim. We will have Christmas with Nathans dad before we leave, and then with Nathan's mom when we get back! Then Nathan heads off to Texas, :( I am not ready to be apart. I wish I had more time with him. Santa paid us a visit and placed a few presents under the tree.
Mid january, I will be taking a trip to China, to visit my dad and do some sightseeing. I wish Nathan could come, but I am very excited to go! It will be a good time.

I must say I have really enjoyed seeing more Nature here. It is nice. Ill post some pictures of our escapades.

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